Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Computer for Science and Mathematics Learning
This issue comprises 5 articles contributed by 11 authors affiliated with 5 institutions from 2 countries: Indonesia (Universitas Negeri Jakarta, State Senior High School 1 Samalanga, Universitas Malikussaleh, State Senior High School 1 Jangka, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram) and South Africa (Central University of Technology).
Analysis of Students’ Conceptual Understanding on Colloidal Materials Through the Flipped Classroom Learning Model Integrated Peer-Instruction
Development of Learning Cycle 5E Practical Instructions on Acid-Base Titration Using Natural pH Indicators Based on Green Chemistry
Application of the Problem-Based Learning to Improve Scientific Literacy Skills Through Practicum Worksheet for Grade 11 Students of Senior High School 1 Samalanga
Analysis of Difficulty in Cognitive Learning Outcomes of Grade X Students on Newton’s Law at Senior High School 3 Wera
The Networking Sites in Student Teaching and Learning. A Case Study at Zimbabwean University